Wuthering High by Cara Lockwood is the first installment of the Bard Academy series, a young adult fiction series starring Miranda Tate, a 15-year-old "delinquent" shipped of to Bard Academy, a school supposedly designed to reform teen criminals. There she meets Blade, Hana, and Samir, fellow delinquents with a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She and her friends soon discover that all is not as it seems at Bard Academy...
The writing is realistic and full of humor, making the characters come alive. Miranda is charming and quirky, and it's easy to relate to her. The plot twists are surprising and the underlying mystery that forms the story is perfectly paced.
I really enjoyed Wuthering High and I recomend it to everyone -- but don't read the blurb as it kind of gives a few things away!
Interesting play on several great works - I'm looking forward to your take on the Shakespeare work you'll be reading this semester...And what do you think about tackling the real "Wuthering Heights?" R U Game?
ReplyDeleteI might read it. It's free and easy to access, so I just might if I'm in the mood.